Isadora Youse

The Best On line Feet Troubles Source

Entries from 2017-01-01 to 1 year

Fallen Arches Causes And Symptoms

OverviewFlat feet can develop as an adult ("adult acquired flatfoot") due to injury, illness, unusual or prolonged stress to the foot, faulty biomechanics,[5] or as part of the normal aging process. Flat feet can also occur in pregnant wom…

What Are The Major Causes Of Heel Pain

OverviewYour foot is made up of 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 tendons. The heel is the largest bone in your foot. If you overuse or injure your heel, you may experience heel pain. This can range from mild to disabling. In many cas…

Leg Length Discrepancy Surgery Growth Plate

OverviewLeg length difference (LLD) is primarily when the hips are not level, causing a limp from side to side. Most practitioners divide LLD into anatomical or functional. Anatomical is when there is a true difference in the length of the…

Diagnosing Mortons Neuroma

OverviewIf you sometimes feel that you are "walking on a marble," and you have persistent pain in the ball of your foot, you may have a condition called Morton's neuroma. A neuroma is a benign tumor of a nerve. Morton's neuroma is not actu…